Qt → UI files stopped opening in QtCreator
Another sclerosis....
When opening forms, QtCreator crashed qualitatively.
Solved by deleting the folder C:\Users\'username'\ .designer
Qt → Qt/C++ - Tutorial 091. How to write a custom delegate controlling the highlighting of a row in a table
And now a short article on customizing cell behavior using delegates in a QTableView.
This article is a modification of the table behavior in one old article, namely
Qt/C ++ - Tutorial 039. How to fill a row in QSqlTableModel …

Django → How to install and setting up Django JET
Probably you are here because you want to change your Django admin interface, and in this post, we'll learn how to install and set up one of the best Django interface libraries (Django JET).
Django JET Features
Bueautiful theme.
Responsive …

Qt → What's new in Qt for Android?
Qt 5.15 LTS and Qt for Android
Since many developers use Qt for Android, Qt wants to improve the developer experience. With the next release of Qt 5.15.0, the Qt developers have updated the Android documentation. The updated documentation contains …
Unreal Engine 4 → Learn Game Development for Free with Unreal Online Learning
UE4, Blueprint, Unreal, Engine
Do you want to create your first game in Unreal Engine? Would you like to master the skills required for a real-time 3D career ? Learn the core concepts of game development with the latest Unreal Online Learning courses on …
Python → Python Image Recognition with TensorFlow and Keras
Keras, python, RuCaptcha, TensorFlow
One of the most common uses of TensorFlow and Keras is in image recognition and classification. If you would like to learn how to use Keras for image classification or recognition, this article will teach you how to do …
Qt → Qt WinAPI - Lesson 010. How to check if file writing is prohibited by another process.
Surprisingly, in the course of my professional activity, I stumbled upon one interesting feature of QFile. With it, you can check whether it is possible to read or write information to a file. But at the same time, QFile ignores …
Django → Django - Tutorial 054. How to create a polymorphic system of dynamic widgets
The other day, I solved the problem of adding dynamic widgets on the site with the ability to add different types of widgets, as well as with the possibility of further unlimited expansion of the widget set by adding models …
Qt → Building Docker from QtCreator
Docker, Qt, QtCreator, build, cmake
On your development machine, press Ctrl+R (Run) in QtCreator to create and run your Qt application. If you want to run an application on an embedded system, then you must complete four tasks:
• Create a Qt cross-application for the …
Python → How to Hide Firefox [selenium] in python
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to Hide selenium firefox in python.
#headless option options.headless = True
Readfrom selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options options = Options() options.headless = True driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path='/path/to/geckodriver', …
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 5:14 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 4:22 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8