mafulechkaMay 26, 2020, 5:48 a.m.

Learn Game Development for Free with Unreal Online Learning

Do you want to create your first game in Unreal Engine? Would you like to master the skills required for a real-time 3D career ? Learn the core concepts of game development with the latest Unreal Online Learning courses on game development.

These free courses are a great start to learning the basic skills needed to develop and design games.

Take the following steps towards becoming a Gameplay Designer, Level Designer, Audio Designer, Game Environment Artist, Lighting Artist, or Technical Artist . Or learn how to create your own video games from start to finish.

Create a detective office game environment

Create a scene from scratch, from planning and prototyping to adding elements that will bring it into alpha state.

You will learn how:

• Recreate the blocking process of the 3D environment.
• Edit a locked scene based on pacing and flow testing.
• Use scene lighting best practices to create a believable mood.
• Apply post-processing volumes to change the color gradation and atmosphere of a scene.
• Importing custom assets into Unreal Engine.

Ambient and procedural sound

Industry experts Richard Stevens and Dave Raybould will guide you through the basic steps needed to get started developing game audio in Unreal Engine.

You will learn how:

• Create sound cues and surrounding actors that can be played and controlled in the Blueprint level.
• Generating sounds and effects that loop but sound different each time.
• Manage audio playback with Blueprints.
• Create audio systems that will play around the player or have a spatial arrangement.
• Learn the different methods for creating sound levels and when each method is appropriate.

Convert Blueprint to C++

This course takes you from basic knowledge of Blueprints and understanding of C++ fundamentals, through the process of converting a Blueprint project to C++. On this journey, you will learn the core concepts and best practices for using C++ in the Unreal Engine.

The end result will be an AI (artificial intelligence) agent that senses the world around it, reasons what to do based on those feelings, and intelligently navigates the world to reach a specific goal.

You will learn how:

• Create an actor or component when needed.
• Find functions in C++ and determine which types map to which in Blueprint.
• Associate C++ functions with user input levels and delegates.
• Create variable properties of different access levels for the editor and Blueprint.

Create photorealistic cinematography with Quixel

Joe Garth will guide you through creating a scene from the cinematic Quixel's Rebirth, exploring the concepts and tools involved.

You will learn how:

• Create an actor or component when needed.
• Find functions in C++ and determine which types map to which in Blueprint.
• Associate C++ functions with user input levels and delegates.
• Create variable properties of different access levels for the editor and Blueprint.
• Import Quixel Megascans via Bridge for use in Unreal Engine.
• Create realistic looking lighting with Actor light objects.
• Use Unreal Engine tools to create realistic organic scenes.
• Apply post-processing to the scene to make it more realistic.
• Change export and rendering settings to achieve the best rendering quality.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what will happen this year in Unreal Online Learning. Stay tuned for new learning paths that focus on the skills needed for a career in the gaming industry, as well as content creation and project-based learning courses.

We recommend hosting TIMEWEB
We recommend hosting TIMEWEB
Stable hosting, on which the social network EVILEG is located. For projects on Django we recommend VDS hosting.

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