Qt → Qt/C++ - Tutorial 086. Using QSequentialAnimationGroup and QPropertyAnimation to move a button
QSequentialAnimationGroup, cpp, Qt, C++, QPropertyAnimation
Let's write a small example of an application in which a button will be moved using property animations. To do this, we use the QSequentialAnimationGroup and QPropertyAnimation classes.
QSequentialAnimationGroup is a class that combines several animations into one group, which …
ReadBoost → Boost - Console program menu using boost::program_options
And here is an article on the boost of my some accumulated materials. I offer you the option of writing a console program with support for the console menu, which is implemented using boost::program_options .
boost::program_options is responsible for processing …
ReadEVILEG → EVILEG - change policy regarding advertising on the site
After talking with one of the users, I decided to change the policy regarding advertising on the site, although I am not sure about that.
I myself am not pleased with the abundance of advertising banners, but I would like …
ReadDjango → Django - Tutorial 040. How to add authentication through social networks. Facebook
I added authorization on the site through Facebook.
At the same time collected a couple of pitfalls.
Before Facebook , I already added in authorization through the social network VKontakte and Google . And here I needed to create a …
ReadQt → Qt/C++ - Tutorial 085. Work with QJsonObject, QJsonArray, QJsonDocument. Save and load JSON from files
Qt5, QJsonArray, QJsonObject, QJsonDocument, JSON, Qt
Consider a small example of the formation of a JSON document from, for example, the text and the title of this text.
For example, the text has:
- Title - First Title
- Content - First Content
And so on
We will …
ReadDjango → Django - Tutorial 039. Adding private messages and chats on the site - Part 2 (Dialogue and chat counter with unread messages)
django, сообщение, Python, чат
Gave free time to correct private messages on the site. This functionality is not used very often, so I do not make great efforts to improve it, although it is time to bring this functionality to adequate work.
Previously, there …
ReadDjango → Django - Tutorial 038. Use BeatifulSoup 4 to clean up the published content from unwanted html tags
BeaftifulSoup4, Django, Python, HTML, Python 3
When developing a web site that adds the ability to write comments or publish articles that allow html layout, the mechanism for clearing unwanted html tags, in particular script and style tags, is important, since malicious scripts on a quality …
ReadC++ → C++ 17 - [[fallthrough]] attribute
Start at work to use a compiler that supports the standard C++17.
Actively we begin to use various features from this standard..
I was pleased with the [[fallthrough]] attribute for switch case constructions.
The essence of this attribute is that …
ReadQt → Qt/C++ - Tutorial 084. How to run JavaScript code in a C ++ application using the example of working with two variables
Qt, QScriptEngine, QScriptValue, JavaScript, QScriptContext
Suppose you are faced with the task of executing JavaScript code in a C++ application. For example, there is a set of output data or variables whose names are known in advance, and there are pieces of JavaScript code that …
ReadC++ → C ++ - Does the #pragma once build speed up?
Work on a large project allows in some cases to test some theories concerning a programming language.
It was always interesting if the build is really accelerated by using the #pragma once directive instead of the classic #ifndef #define #endif …
Read- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 1:14 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 12:22 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8
- Оля Куликова
- Jan. 20, 2025, 12:28 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:47points,
- Rating points-6