Django → Django - Tutorial 042. Caching templates for different types of content
templatetags, template, Django
In Django - Lesson 035. Different templates for rendering different types of content in search results it was shown how to render different templates depending on what type of content drawn in the search results on the site. In this …
ReadLinux → SNAP Lesson 04. Working with deployment for Qt applications based on a snap package
I welcome everyone to the continuation of the topic of working with snap packages.
It often happens that a developer needs to know all the dependencies of an application. And it's not easy to find out if one library has …
Boost → Boost - performing periodic tasks using boost::thread
I propose to write a small console program that will perform one task at regular intervals.
For example, the program starts and makes 10 samples within 10 seconds, while the program will display information about the number of the countdown …
ReadAndroid → A little about memory leaks and ways to avoid them
Memory leaks, garbage collection, Java
What is memory Leaks in Android development ?
The application creates objects, they lie in memory and can not clean out after the completion of its work.
Why is this happening ?
Java has its own means of clearing memory …
ReadDjango → Django - Tutorial 041. Display images in the admin panel on the example of a user profile
To improve the ability to display information about users in the administrative panel of the site, implemented the ability to display user avatars, both in the special UserProfile model that has One-To-One relationship to the User model, and in the …
ReadLinux → SNAP Tutorial 03. Start snap application from a graphic environment
Greetings to all on the continuation of the topic of self-contained snap packages.
In today's part, we will discuss how to configure the application so that it can be launched not only in the console, but also in the graphical …
MySQL → MySQL stored procedures
Good day.
I create a Duty schedule application for our technical support hotline, using Qt + MySQL.
For each month it is necessary to monthly fill in the calendar table containing the date and sign of the day off or …
Qt → Qt/C++ - Tutorial 088. Text search with highlighting in QTextEdit
In connection with a small question on the forum and slightly free time today. I will answer in the form of an article on how to highlight in QTextEdit all the words that need to be found in this text. …
ReadC++ → CMake project with subdirectories and static library
I propose to write a small application that will have two subdirectories. One of which will compile the executable file, and the second will contain a statically linked library.
As a result, the project will look like this.
Root CMakeLists.txt …
Read- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 6:14 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 5:22 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8