Evgenii Legotckoi
Evgenii LegotckoiNov. 28, 2015, 9:06 p.m.

QML - Lesson 019. Navigation Drawer in Qt Qml Android

One of the key controls in the Android app is the Navigation Drawer , but QML component is not ready for this item, but the guys from Cutehacks made your Navigation Drawer , the code of the component is laid out on githabe. I have long wanted to run the code on an Android device and live my hands finally to have reached it.

I studied in detail the code and slightly it corrected, because that version was some discrepancy Material Design in the sense that the socket was revealed 78 per cent of the width of the screen, regardless of orientation. A Material Design recommends portrait disclose Navigation Drawer so that it did not reach the opposite edge 56 dip in the case with smartphones and 64 dip in the case of tablets, but make at least for smartphones, and in landscape orientation was not more 320 dip width. What I corrected, and drank a small part of the unnecessary at the moment and a little bit of code rename the variable by itself.

With regard to the magnitude of the dip , that is independent of the pixel density of the display device, it is a question of the correct scaling of interface elements.

I bring to your attention an example of the use of the Navigation Drawer to change the three fragments in the Loader object using three menu items that will be located in the Navigation Drawer.

The structure of the project to work with the Navigation Drawer

The structure of the project will be similar to the structure of the draft articles on the working with the component Loader .

  • QmlNavigationDrawer.pro - the profile of the project;
  • main.cpp - the main file of the application source code;
  • main.qml - basic qml code file;
  • Fragment1.qml - the first fragment for replacement Loader;
  • Fragment2.qml - second fragment;
  • Fragment3.qml - a third fragment.
  • NavigationDrawer.qml - the object Navigation Drawer.

main.cpp is created by default and is not subject to change, so it will not be given a listing, as well as the project profile.


In our application will Application Bar, which is the object type the Rectangle, and in Him we put-burger icon, by pressing on which will open and close the Navigation Drawer via toggle () function, in this case it would overlap the Application Bar in accordance with the recommendations of Material Design. A below Application Bar all the remaining space will occupy the Loader component, in which we are going to change the pieces.

Also put in the code object Navigation Drawer, which put the ListView. This ListView is located a list of menu items. By clicking the menu item will cause a change in the function of the component Loader, passing in this function its index. And on Loader index will determine which component you want to download.

import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    width: 700
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    // Conversion independent of the density of pixels to physical pixels the device
    readonly property int dpi: Screen.pixelDensity * 25.4
    function dp(x){ return (dpi < 120) ? x : x*(dpi/160); }

    // Application Bar
    Rectangle {
        id: menuRect
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.right: parent.right
        height: dp(48)
        color: "#4cd964"

        // Icon-Hamburger
        Rectangle {
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            anchors.left: parent.left

            width: dp(48)
            color: "#4cd964"

            Rectangle {
                anchors.top: parent.top
                anchors.topMargin: dp(16)
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.leftMargin: dp(14)
                width: dp(20)
                height: dp(2)

            Rectangle {
                anchors.top: parent.top
                anchors.topMargin: dp(23)
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.leftMargin: dp(14)
                width: dp(20)
                height: dp(2)

            Rectangle {
                anchors.top: parent.top
                anchors.topMargin: dp(30)
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.leftMargin: dp(14)
                width: dp(20)
                height: dp(2)

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent

                onClicked: {


    Loader {
        id: loader
        anchors.top: menuRect.bottom
        anchors.left: parent.left
        anchors.right: parent.right
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
        source: "Fragment1.qml"

        function loadFragment(index){

            case 0:
                loader.source = "Fragment1.qml"
            case 1:
                loader.source = "Fragment2.qml"
            case 2:
                loader.source = "Fragment3.qml"
                loader.source = "Fragment1.qml"

    NavigationDrawer {
        id: nav
        Rectangle {
            anchors.fill: parent
            color: "white"

            ListView {
                anchors.fill: parent

                delegate: Item {
                    height: dp(48)
                    anchors.left: parent.left
                    anchors.right: parent.right

                    Rectangle {
                        anchors.fill: parent
                        anchors.margins: dp(5)
                        color: "whitesmoke"

                        Text {
                            text: fragment
                            anchors.fill: parent
                            font.pixelSize: dp(20)

                            renderType: Text.NativeRendering
                            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

                        MouseArea {
                            anchors.fill: parent

                            // By clicking on the menu item is replaced component in the Loader
                            onClicked: {

                model: navModel

    ListModel {
        id: navModel

        ListElement {fragment: "Fragment 1"}
        ListElement {fragment: "Fragment 2"}
        ListElement {fragment: "Fragment 3"}

Fragment1.qml and other fragments

And other code fragments Fragment1.qml identical except that they all have a different background color.

import QtQuick 2.5

Rectangle {
    anchors.fill: parent
    color: "green"

    Text {
        text: "Fragment 1"
        color: "white"
        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.right: parent.right
        anchors.margins: dp(50)
        font.pixelSize: dp(30)

        renderType: Text.NativeRendering



And here is the code of the Navigation Drawer, which is located in our list of fragments. This code can be taken and used immediately or thoroughly meditate on it, to thoroughly understand all the nuances of its implementation and it is possible to improve it.

import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

Rectangle {
    id: panel

    // Conversion independent of the density of pixels to physical pixels the device
    readonly property int dpi: Screen.pixelDensity * 25.4
    function dp(x){ return (dpi < 120) ? x : x*(dpi/160); }

    property bool open: false           // State Navigation Drawer - Open / Closed
    property int position: Qt.LeftEdge  // Location Navigation Drawer - Left / Right

    // Functions of the opening and closing Navigation Drawer
    function show() { open = true; }
    function hide() { open = false; }
    function toggle() { open = open ? false : true; }

    // internal properties Navigation Drawer
    readonly property bool _rightEdge: position === Qt.RightEdge
    readonly property int _closeX: _rightEdge ? _rootItem.width : - panel.width
    readonly property int _openX: _rightEdge ? _rootItem.width - width : 0
    readonly property int _minimumX: _rightEdge ? _rootItem.width - panel.width : -panel.width
    readonly property int _maximumX: _rightEdge ? _rootItem.width : 0
    readonly property int _pullThreshold: panel.width/2
    readonly property int _slideDuration: 260
    readonly property int _openMarginSize: dp(20)

    property real _velocity: 0
    property real _oldMouseX: -1

    property Item _rootItem: parent

    on_RightEdgeChanged: _setupAnchors()
    onOpenChanged: completeSlideDirection()

    width: (Screen.width > Screen.height) ? dp(320) : Screen.width - dp(56)
    height: parent.height
    x: _closeX
    z: 10

    function _setupAnchors() {
        _rootItem = parent;

        shadow.anchors.right = undefined;
        shadow.anchors.left = undefined;

        mouse.anchors.left = undefined;
        mouse.anchors.right = undefined;

        if (_rightEdge) {
            mouse.anchors.right = mouse.parent.right;
            shadow.anchors.right = panel.left;
        } else {
            mouse.anchors.left = mouse.parent.left;
            shadow.anchors.left = panel.right;

        slideAnimation.enabled = false;
        panel.x = _rightEdge ? _rootItem.width :  - panel.width;
        slideAnimation.enabled = true;

    function completeSlideDirection() {
        if (open) {
            panel.x = _openX;
        } else {
            panel.x = _closeX;

    function handleRelease() {
        var velocityThreshold = dp(5)
        if ((_rightEdge && _velocity > velocityThreshold) ||
                (!_rightEdge && _velocity < -velocityThreshold)) {
            panel.open = false;
        } else if ((_rightEdge && _velocity < -velocityThreshold) ||
                   (!_rightEdge && _velocity > velocityThreshold)) {
            panel.open = true;
        } else if ((_rightEdge && panel.x < _openX + _pullThreshold) ||
                   (!_rightEdge && panel.x > _openX - _pullThreshold) ) {
            panel.open = true;
            panel.x = _openX;
        } else {
            panel.open = false;
            panel.x = _closeX;

    function handleClick(mouse) {
        if ((_rightEdge && mouse.x < panel.x ) || mouse.x > panel.width) {
            open = false;

    onPositionChanged: {
        if (!(position === Qt.RightEdge || position === Qt.LeftEdge )) {
            console.warn("SlidePanel: Unsupported position.")

    Behavior on x {
        id: slideAnimation
        enabled: !mouse.drag.active
        NumberAnimation {
            duration: _slideDuration
            easing.type: Easing.OutCubic

    NumberAnimation on x {
        id: holdAnimation
        to: _closeX + (_openMarginSize * (_rightEdge ? -1 : 1))
        running : false
        easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
        duration: 200

    MouseArea {
        id: mouse
        parent: _rootItem

        y: _rootItem.y
        width: open ? _rootItem.width : _openMarginSize
        height: _rootItem.height
        onPressed:  if (!open) holdAnimation.restart();
        onClicked: handleClick(mouse)
        drag.target: panel
        drag.minimumX: _minimumX
        drag.maximumX: _maximumX
        drag.axis: Qt.Horizontal
        drag.onActiveChanged: if (active) holdAnimation.stop()
        onReleased: handleRelease()
        z: open ? 1 : 0
        onMouseXChanged: {
            _velocity = (mouse.x - _oldMouseX);
            _oldMouseX = mouse.x;

    Connections {
        target: _rootItem
        onWidthChanged: {
            slideAnimation.enabled = false
            slideAnimation.enabled = true

    Rectangle {
        id: backgroundBlackout
        parent: _rootItem
        anchors.fill: parent
        opacity: 0.5 * Math.min(1, Math.abs(panel.x - _closeX) / _rootItem.width/2)
        color: "black"

    Item {
        id: shadow
        anchors.left: panel.right
        anchors.leftMargin: _rightEdge ? 0 : dp(10)
        height: parent.height

        Rectangle {
            height: dp(10)
            width: panel.height
            rotation: 90
            opacity: Math.min(1, Math.abs(panel.x - _closeX)/ _openMarginSize)
            transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
            gradient: Gradient{
                GradientStop { position: _rightEdge ? 1 : 0 ; color: "#00000000"}
                GradientStop { position: _rightEdge ? 0 : 1 ; color: "#2c000000"}


As a result of the written application will appear as shown in the following figure.

Link to the project download in zip-archive: QML Navigation Drawer


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Константин Козлов
  • Feb. 17, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Не работает, если запихать Navigation Drawer в элемент List View. Drawer срабатывает только для первого элемента в списке.

Константин Козлов
  • Feb. 17, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Уже разобрался, где ошибка. В 126-й строке должно быть не

y: _rootItem.y
, а
y: 0
Кроме того, QML ругается на 135-ю строку. Думаю, там должно быть
drag.onActiveChanged: if (drag.active) holdAnimation.stop()

Добрый день!

Вполне возможно, что есть некоторые несостыковки из-за версий компонентов QML.
А вообще, попробуйте Navigation Drawer из последних компонентов Qt. Дело в том, что этот урок несколько устарел, а Qt Company выпустила свои собственные компоненты, в составе которых есть и Navigation Drawer. Вы можете ознакомиться с этими компонентами в примере Qt Gallery, который присутствует в составе примеров в Qt Creator. Думаю, что это будет для ваших задач и целей лучше.

Я считаю, что это всё же ошибка, т. к. координаты Item'а всегда задаются относительно родителя. Соответственно, чтобы MouseArea занимала по высоте весь родительский элемент, её координата Y должна быть равна 0, а не координате Y родительского элемента.

А по поводу Drawer'а, появившегося в Qt 5.6, я не хочу его использовать, т. к. желаю сохранить совместимость с Qt 5.5.

Ясно, вопросы обратной совместимости.

Да, проверил, как-то криво работает, если не поправить 126-ю строку, в том случае, если Navigation Drawer требуется поместить в какой-то внутренний объект, хотя для меня сам по себе User Case странный. Получается, что вы допускаете случай, в котором Drawer может быть развёрнут лишь на часть окна приложения, иначе я не вижу смысла помещать его в какое-либо иное место, кроме самого окна приложения.
Константин Козлов
  • Feb. 18, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Это как раз мой Use Case, потому-то я и задал тут вопрос.
Дело в том, что я использую Ваш Dawer не только для главного меню приложения, но и для контекстного меню элементов ListView.

Да, теперь представляю, как то работает. Согласен, ваша правка определённо к месту здесь.


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