Configuring STP for DELL switches (depending on the version of the OS switch syntax may vary slightly.)
Before making STP setting on the switch port, you must set a global preference protocol:
console(config)# spanning-tree console(config)# spanning-tree mode rstp console(config)# spanning-tree priority 12288 console(config)# spanning-tree hello-time 5 console(config)# spanning-tree max-age 12 console(config)# spanning-tree forward-time 25 console(config)# exit
In this case, the adjusted version of the protocol, switch priority in the construction of the tree, while promoting the package, the duration of sending hello packet. Once made global protocol setting, make the setting Protocol on the switch ports that will participate in the construction of the tree topology.
console> enable console# configure console(config)# interface ethernet 1/e1 console(config-if)# spanning-tree disable console(config-if)# spanning-tree cost 35000 console(config-if)# spanning-tree port-priority 96 console(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast console(config-if)# exit console(config)# exit
When setting specifies the path cost and port priority.
Also, the protocol can be configured in groups of links united LAG protocol. As data links act as a single logical link.
console(config)# interface port-channel 1 console(config-if)# spanning-tree disable console(config-if)# spanning-tree cost 35000 console(config-if)# spanning-tree port-priority 96 console(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast
Configuring RSTP to STP differ in the choice of mode of protocol:
console(config)# interface ethernet 1/e5 console(config-if)# spanning-tree link-type shared console(config-if)# spanning tree mode rstp
MSTP protocol differs from STP or RSTP protocol that is able to break the logical links in a VLAN. Thus in one physical links may simultaneously present both active and non-active (logically broken) links multiple VLAN.
console(config)# spanning-tree mst configuration console(config-mst)# instance 1 add vlan 10-20 console(config-mst)# name region1 console(config-mst)# revision 1 console(config)# spanning-tree mst configuration console(config-mst)# instance 2 add vlan 21-30 console(config-mst)# name region1 console(config-mst)# revision 1 console(config-mst)# show pending Pending MST configuration Name: Region1 Revision: 1 Instance Vlans Mapped -------- ------------ 0 1-9,31-4094 1 10-20 2 21-30