Qt → Running Qt Quick on Vulkan, Metal and Direct3D - Part 2
Vulkan, Quick, macOS, Qt, Embedded, Windows, Graphics, Desktop, OpenGL
Let's pick up where we left off in the first article. An example of a Qt Quick application running on Linux on top of OpenGL and Vulkan was considered. We also saw the Vulkan frame capture in RenderDoc, which is …
ReadQt → Launch Qt Quick on Volcano, Metal and Direct3D
Vulkan, Quick, Qt, Embedded, windows, Graphics, Desktop, MacOS, OpenGL
Now that the first beta version of Qt 5.14 is approaching, it's time to talk about one of the most important new features. It's difficult to cover all the details regarding the graphics stack improvements and the path to Qt …
ReadQt → Cloud providers and telemetry via Qt MQTT
Google, Qt, iot, mqtt, telemetry
MQTT is an important standard for telemetry, especially in the IoT scenario.
The Qt Company is often approached by Qt customers and users to learn how to connect to various cloud providers and preferably keep the list of requirements short. …
ReadDjango → Django - Tutorial 048. How to add online status to a site
For a long time I did not add such functionality on the site for the simple reason that I did not know which side to approach this, because I would like to process this information in one single place, and …
ReadQt → Introducing Qt Quick 3D: A High-Level 3D API for Qt Quick
Graphics, OpenGL, qt, 3D, Quick
The developers have been looking into how to integrate 3D and Qt Quick as deeply as possible, resulting in a new project called Qt Quick 3D which provides a high-level API for creating 3D content for user interfaces from Qt …
ReadQt → Qt/C ++ - Tutorial 089. Buttons with absolute positioning inside QGraphicsView
Qt, QGraphicsView, QWidget, QPushButton
Considering the number of questions on the forum related to how to add buttons inside QGraphicsView, I decided to write a small tutorial on this topic. Moreover, there are various variations of the question. It can be a regular button, …
ReadDevelopment diaries → DBComponents project. Part 1. Requirements for the project and database
DBComponents, Qt, Iscander Che, C++
Project requirements
The project implements a database of IT components. Three categories are planned so far: monitors, medical printers, system units. The functionality of the database also includes the ability to create new categories.
The project should consist of two …
ReadDjango → Django - Tutorial 047. How to do select_related and prefetch_related for an authenticated user
Imagine that for an authenticated user, when opening pages, some requests are constantly being executed, for example, an additional list of notifications is loaded, as well as his profile. And we use this information in templates, for example this way. …
ReadQt → Announcing Qt for MCUs
21 august Qt Company announce the launch of Qt for MCUs – a comprehensive toolkit to deliver smartphone-like user experience on displays powered by microcontrollers. What started as a research project is now in the final leg of its journey …
ReadC++ → C ++ 17 - Lazy template functor with caching heavy function computation result
Developing the idea of caching the result of calculations of heavy functions , I propose to write a small template class, which will take the function as an argument, namely the lambda function, as the most universal an instrument within …
Read- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 7:14 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 6:22 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8