МихаилллApril 5, 2019, 7:38 a.m.

В QML не работает кнопка

Добрый день.
На страничке не работают 4 кнопки из пети, все кроме page2ButtonMenu.
Хотя на налогичных страницах все работало.
Скажите пожалуйста в чем может быть дело.

import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQml 2.12

Page2Form {
        console.log("button working")

        console.log("открылась Page2")

        console.log("button working")

        console.log("button working")

        loader.source = "Page0.qml"



import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4

Item {
    id: page2element
    width: 400
    height: 600
    property alias page2Button0: page2Button0
    property alias page2Button1: page2Button1
    property alias page2Button2: page2Button2
    property alias page2Button3: page2Button3
    property alias page2ButtonMenu: page2ButtonMenu
    property alias page2Label1: page2Label1
    property alias page2Label2: page2Label2

    Button {
        id: page2Button0
        x: 66
        y: 100
        width: 100
        height: 100
        Image {
            id: page2image1
            width: 100
            height: 100
            anchors.rightMargin: 0
            anchors.bottomMargin: 0
            anchors.fill: parent
            source: "qrc:/images/images/close.png"
            fillMode: Image.Stretch

    Button {
        id: page2Button1
        x: 251
        y: 100
        width: 100
        height: 100
        Image {
            id: page2image2
            width: 100
            height: 100
            anchors.rightMargin: 0
            anchors.bottomMargin: 0
            anchors.fill: parent
            source: "qrc:/images/images/close.png"
            fillMode: Image.Stretch

    Button {
        id: page2ButtonMenu
        x: 150
        y: 493
        text: qsTr("МЕНЮ")
        font.pointSize: 18

    Label {
        id: page2labe0
        x: 57
        y: 47
        width: 286
        height: 33
        text: qsTr("Выберете красный цвет")
        font.family: "Verdana"
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
        font.pixelSize: 22
        font.weight: Font.Thin

    Label {
        id: page2Label1
        x: 122
        y: 355
        width: 156
        height: 56
        text: qsTr("Побед: ")
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
        font.pointSize: 20

    Button {
        id: page2Button2
        x: 66
        y: 220
        width: 100
        height: 100
        Image {
            id: page2image3
            width: 100
            height: 100
            anchors.leftMargin: 0
            anchors.topMargin: 0
            anchors.rightMargin: 0
            anchors.bottomMargin: 0
            anchors.fill: parent
            source: "qrc:/images/images/close.png"
            fillMode: Image.Stretch

    Button {
        id: page2Button3
        x: 251
        y: 220
        width: 100
        height: 100
        Image {
            id: page2image4
            width: 100
            height: 100
            anchors.rightMargin: 0
            anchors.bottomMargin: 0
            anchors.fill: parent
            source: "qrc:/images/images/close.png"
            fillMode: Image.Stretch

    Label {
        id: page2Label2
        x: 122
        y: 417
        width: 156
        height: 56
        text: qsTr("1 из 20")
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
        font.pointSize: 20
    states: [
        State {
            name: "Page2State1"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image1
                //source: "images/red.png"
                source: "qrc:/images/images/red.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image2
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image3
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image4
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"
        State {
            name: "Page2State2"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image1
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image2
                source: "qrc:/images/images/red.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image3
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image4
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"
        State {
            name: "Page2State3"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image1
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image2
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image3
                source: "qrc:/images/images/red.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image4
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"
        State {
            name: "Page2State4"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image1
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image4
                source: "qrc:/images/images/red.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image2
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"

            PropertyChanges {
                target: page2image3
                source: "qrc:/images/images/black.png"
        State {
            name: "State0"

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Алексей Внуков
  • April 5, 2019, 8:13 a.m.
  • (edited)
  • The answer was marked as a solution.

не правильный вызов сигнала



    • April 5, 2019, 8:15 a.m.

    Спасибо большое, самое очевидное не заметил


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