Qt → Notice to all Qt Cloud Services users
Cloud Services, Qt, Qt Cloud Services
Translation of official news
Over a year ago we launched Qt Cloud Services which includes Managed Runtime Services, Managed Application Runtime (MAR), Managed Database (MDB) and Engin.io. Since then, we have received extensive feedback and have seen amazing cloud applications …
ReadQt → Qt/C++ - Lesson 042. PopUp notification in the Gnome style using Qt
Gnome, всплывающее уведомление, Qt, PopUp, Уведомление
Functionality of the standard notification system tray at times can be insufficient for the implementation of ambitious pans for styling applications. We therefore consider the embodiment of pop-up messages in the style of PopUp DE Gnome notification, namely, as shown …
ReadQt → Qt WinAPI - Lesson 006. Parsing QKeySequence for RegisterHotKey in WinAPI
Qt, RegisterHotKey, горячие клавиши, HotKey, WinAPI, QKeySequence
QKeySequence very different from the sequence of hotkeys in WinAPI . QKeySequence actually is a string in which the separator hotkeys are "+" sign, as well as the sequence ", " , if several sequences. Then, as in WinAPI there …
ReadQML → QML - Lesson 022. Animation click on an item in the list Material Design style
Qt, Android, анимация, material design, QML
QML does not provide animation interactions clicks Material Design Style for Android by default, but is easily adjusted with the Rectangle primitive. Animation is to one parent, Rectangle, when clicked, you need a second child Rectangle object to stretch the …
ReadQt → Qt WinAPI - Lesson 005. Global HotKey WinAPI in Qt5
UnregisterHotKey, Qt, RegisterHotKey, горячие клавиши, HotKey, WinAPI
To work with global HotKey in Qt5 , there is a virtual method nativeEvent . This method replaces the methods winEvent , x11Event , macEvent of Qt 4.8 .
The especiality in the HotKey to Qt is that if the …
ReadQt → Qt WinAPI - Lesson 008. Adding Qt application into Windows autorun using QSettings
автозагрузка, Qt, автозапуск, WinAPI, Windows
As is known, QSettings class allows you to store application settings in the registry of Windows . Due to this possibility, and a good knowledge of your Windows registry, you can add an application to autostart, or remove it from …
ReadQt → Qt/C++ - Lesson 041. JSON file – How to get from site and parsing it
QJsonArray, QNetworkAccessManager, JSON, QJsonObject, QJsonDocument, QJsonValue
In the process of writing programs EColor appeared a problem in which it was necessary in some way to notify the user that a new version of the program. The solution to this problem was the presence of JSON file …
ReadQt → Qt/C++ - Lesson 031. QCustomPlot – The build of charts with time
график, QDateTime, Qt, время, QCustomPlot
QCustomPlot Library has the ability to charting the scale of time, which is useful in analyzing the data, which change over time. To do this, you need to install a signature style to the time axis as QCPAxis::ltDateTime. And then …
Read- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 7:14 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 6:22 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8