Qt → Qt/C++ - Tutorial 068. Hello World using the CMAKE build system in CLion
Write "Hello, World !!!" On Qt in the IDE CLion using the CMAKE build system. The emphasis on the fact that the project is being developed in IDE CLion was made because to work with the project it is necessary …
ReadQt → Using QtTextToSpeech for speech synthesis
qt читалка, qt speech, синтезатор речи, Qt, qttexttospeech
The Qt 5.8.0 library provided programmers with the ability to use a systemic speech synthesizer. A speech synthesizer is a program that converts text to speech. Speech synthesizers are an integral part of any modern operating system: Windows (version 7 …
ReadC++ → C++ - Tutorial 007. Classes
The availability of data that is publicly available in the structure has its advantages, providing complete freedom of action. However, we may want to hide the variables that are used in the data type to make the type behavior more …
ReadC++ → C++ - Tutorial 006. Structures
Одним из первых шагов в построении новых типов данных является организация данных в структуре, объединяющая несколько различных переменных с разными типами данных. Объявления структуры с помощью ключевого слова struct .
Например, объявим структуру Vector , в котором будет храниться указатель …
ReadQt → Using gif animation in Qt using the QMovie class
анимация, gif, gif-анимация, qmovie, qt
Everyone saw beautiful animated images on the Internet. They can be downloaded to your computer as a file with the gif extension. The question arises: can I use these images in my programs? It is possible, the Qt library answers. …
ReadC++ → C++ - Tutorial 005. Pointers, Arrays and Loops
An array of elements of type char can be declared like this:
char v[6]; // array of 6 characters
Similarly, a pointer can be declared like this:
char* p; // pointer to character
In declarations, [] means ‘‘array of’’ and …
ReadQML → QML - Tutorial 030. Registering a QML Type as a Singleton object
In addition to C ++ classes in QML, Singleton can also use QML types, which are separate QML files.
This is also used by qmlRegisterSingletonType , but in order for this type to work as a singleton of the object, …
ReadQML → QML - Tutorial 029. Registering a Singleton object to use "Static" methods in QML
The notion of static methods that are used in QML differs somewhat from the classical one in C ++, when static methods are created in the class that can be used referring to the class name, rather than to a …
ReadQML → QML - Tutorial 028. Registration of custom enum in QML
In order to use enum enum enumerations in Q ++, you need to create a class inherited from QObject and register it as a QML Type before running the QML engine in the application.
To learn, create a project using …
Read- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 7:14 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 6:22 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8