To improve the ability to display information about users in the administrative panel of the site, implemented the ability to display user avatars, both in the special UserProfile model that has One-To-One relationship to the User model, and in the User model itself, it added an avatar display via inline form.
It looks like this:
List of user profiles
Displaying avatars in user profile
a list of users
Avatar in displaying user information
UserProfile model
# method for indicating where to load avatars def upload_to(instance, filename): return 'avatars/%s' % filename class UserProfile(LikeDislikeRelationMixin, models.Model): # We indicate the relationship to the user model user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) avatar = models.ImageField( verbose_name=_('Avatar'), upload_to=upload_to, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self): return self.user.username # Here I return the avatar or picture with an owl, if the avatar is not selected def get_avatar(self): if not self.avatar: return '/static/images/owl-gray.svg' return self.avatar.url # method to create a fake table field in read only mode def avatar_tag(self): return mark_safe('<img src="%s" width="50" height="50" />' % self.get_avatar()) avatar_tag.short_description = 'Avatar'
Now let's see how to declare the administrative form for our UserProfile model.
class UserProfileAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('avatar_tag', 'user') # As a field, specify the method that will return the picture tag in the list of user profiles. readonly_fields = ['avatar_tag'] # Be sure to read only mode fields = ('avatar_tag', 'user') # Specify the fields that need to be displayed in the administrative form
Модель User
With the user model will be a little easier. There is less information here.
# Need inline form class ProfileInline(admin.StackedInline): model = models.UserProfile # specify the profile model can_delete = False # prohibit removal fields = ('avatar_tag',) # Specify which field to display, again avatar tag readonly_fields = ['avatar_tag'] # Specify that this read only field # Create your own form to display a user profile class EUserAdmin(UserAdmin): # Specify what will be in the form of inline inlines = [ ProfileInline ] # modify the list of displayed fields to see the avatar with the other fields list_display = ('avatar_tag',) + UserAdmin.list_display # and also create a method for getting the avatar tag from the user profile def avatar_tag(self, obj): return obj.userprofile.avatar_tag()
Register all models in the administrative panel, UserProfileAdmin), EUserAdmin)
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