Linux → Initial configuration of access to VDS at Ubuntu 16.04
Because a develop the resource EVILEG, I decided to move it to the domain COM, and transfer the website from CMS Wordpress to the framework Django. With Ruby On Rails somehow it did not work out, but with the Django …
ReadPyQt5 → PyQt5 - Lesson 002. Hello World on PyQt5
qt5, qt, PyCharm, qt уроки, PyQt5
Python - a high-level general purpose programming language, focused on improving developer productivity and code readability. And also widely used for writing Web-based applications. But to work with Qt for Python was developed Library PyQt5 by Riverbank Computing, which is …
ReadQt → Qt/C++ - Lesson 055. QSignalMapper VS lambda functions
лямбда функция, Qt, C++, lambda, QSignalMapper
QSignalMapper is a wonderful class to organize the work of the signals and slots dynamically created objects. For example, the dynamically created buttons or objects in QStackedWidget. This was particularly true in older versions of the software, that is, and …
ReadQt → Qt/C++ - Lesson 054. Reading data from a CSV file, and their representation via QStandardItemModel
CSV, Qt, QTableView, QStandardItemModel
CSV data format ( Comma-Separated Values ) format is the simplest representation of tabular data. This format is supported by Excel and many other office suites. For example, I often encounter this format when uploading statistics do the site of …
ReadRuby → User Guide #28 - Ruby - Nuts and bolts
Ruby, ruby lesson, ruby уроки, user guide, руководство пользователя
This chapter addresses a few practical issues.
Statement delimiters
Some languages require some kind of punctuation, often a semicolon (
;), to end each statement in a program. Ruby instead follows the convention used in shells like
shand …Read
Ruby → User Guide #27 - Ruby - Object initialization
Ruby, ruby lesson, ruby уроки, user guide, руководство пользователя
Our Fruit class from the previous chapter had two instance variables, one to describe the kind of fruit and another to describe its condition. It was only after writing a custom
inspectmethod for the class that we realized it …Read
Ruby → User Guide #26 - Ruby - Accessors
Ruby, ruby lesson, ruby уроки, user guide, руководство пользователя
What is an accessor?
We briefly discussed instance variables in an earlier chapter, but haven't done much with them yet. An object's instance variables are its attributes, the things that distinguish it from other objects of the same class. It …
ReadRuby → User Guide #25 - Ruby - Exception processing: ensure
Ruby, ruby lesson, ruby уроки, user guide, руководство пользователя
There may be cleanup work that is necessary when a method finishes its work. Perhaps an open file should be closed, buffered data should be flushed, etc. If there were always only one exit point for each method, we could …
ReadRuby → User Guide #24 - Ruby - Exception processing: rescue
Ruby, ruby lesson, ruby уроки, user guide, руководство пользователя
An executing program can run into unexpected problems. A file that it wants to read might not exist; the disk might be full when it wants to save some data; the user may provide it with some unsuitable kind of …
ReadLinux → Top 10 Developers and Companies contributing to the Linux kernel in 2015-2016
Сообщество ядра Linux закрыло год установлением нового рекорда по числу изменений влитых в один релиз, по сравнению с предыдущим отчётом разработки Linux Kernel .
В версии ядра 4.6 можно увидеть около 13,517 патчей влитых за 63 дня, что равно рекорду, …
Read- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 6:14 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 5:22 a.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8