Evgenii Legotckoi
Evgenii LegotckoiAug. 19, 2019, 4:41 a.m.

Qt Design Studio 1.3 Beta released

Qt Design Studio is a UI design and development tool that enables designers and developers to rapidly prototype and develop complex UIs. Both designers and developers use Qt Design Studio and this makes collaboration between the two a lot simpler and more streamlined.

Qt Design Studio 1.3 comes with a new advanced curve editor for animations.

The new curve editor allows adjusting the interpolation curves for multiple keyframes in a single view. This allows fine-tuning of very complex animations and full control over the slope of animations on keyframes.
The Sketch Bridge is vastly improved and now supports Symbol Overrides.

Symbol Overrides match perfectly with the concept of components and properties in QML. Using Symbol Overrides different instances of a Button can have different text properties for example. Those Symbol Overrides are now exported to QML. Another nice addition to the Sketch Bridge is the ability to exports SVGs instead of bitmap graphics. This way vector graphics are still scalable in QML after they have been exported.

The controls of the property editor are now based on Qt Quick Controls 2 instead of Qt Quick Controls 1.

While implementing the controls using Qt Quick Controls 2 we also changed the design and cleaned up the property editor. The property editor now looks a lot cleaner and the usability of controls like the spin box has been improved a lot. The new spin box, for example, supports dragging and has an optional integrated slider.

Last but not least many bugs were fixed and we improved the usability in many areas. For example, the property editor finally supports multi-selection. This allows setting properties on multiple items at once.

Another addition really worth mentioning is the improved binding editor. The new binding editor is now based directly on the code editor widget and the usability, especially the code completion, has been vastly improved. This makes editing your bindings a lot more convenient.

With Qt Design Studio 1.3 there is also a free community version available, which lacks the Photoshop and Sketch bridges, though.

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