Ruslan Polupan
July 10, 2019, 6:29 p.m.

IMpos project. Part 001. Statement of the problem

Small introduction.

For me, programming is a hobby in order to keep my thought processes in good shape. Therefore, for sure there will be not quite professional approaches to solving a particular problem. Therefore, I will always be glad to any advice and criticism. I decided to participate in filling the Development Diaries section in order to structure and discipline my own development process.

The project was conceived as a set of tools for changing the settings of the M-Pos filling station operator's software. This set should allow technical support staff to quickly change system settings simultaneously on several (up to 200) objects without using manual execution of SQL queries. This will also allow non-IT employees to change settings, freeing up technical support time to solve more pressing problems.

The databases used are Firebird of the current version 3.0.4.

iMpos (MPos Instruments) assumes the use of the following database drivers:

  • QIBASE to work with the central database and gas station databases. Driver assembly is described here .
  • QSQLLITE for storing current program settings, user base and logging of performed operations, etc. Driver assembly is not required.

The current task is to change the name of the types of fuel (Summer/Winter) in the database of filling stations and on the fiscal receipt of the cash register. To do this, you need to make changes to the settings in the MIGRATEOPTIONS table in the gas station database. After that, in the process of closing the shift at the gas station and removing the Z-report, changes will occur in the fiscal memory of the cash register.

The general algorithm of the program:

  • Connect to the SQLite settings database. If it is missing create;
  • Get connection parameters to the Central Bank (central database). If missing, create a new entry and connect;
  • If user identification is required, call up the identification window. Carry out logging about the entrance;
  • Launching the main window of the application;
  • Calling the dialog box Names of fuel;
  • display a list of operating gas stations with the ability for the user to select individual gas stations, a separate region, all gas stations;
  • get a list of selected gas stations;
  • get the connection parameters to the database of each gas station;
  • ask the user for further actions View names or Set names ;
  • Connect in a separate thread to each gas station, depending on the task, either get data from the gas station (SELECT) or install (UPDATE). In progress, display the current state of the request, as well as the status of its execution.
  • upon successful receipt of the list of titles, display it and provide the ability to print information or save it to a *.xlsx file.
  • when setting parameters, display the process and completion status. log into the SQLite database;

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  • July 10, 2019, 7:25 p.m.

Исправьте опечатку:
"iMpos (MPos Instruments) предполагает использование слКдующий драйверов баз данных:"

Ruslan Polupan
  • July 10, 2019, 8:45 p.m.

Спасибо, исправил.

Evgenii Legotckoi
  • July 11, 2019, 1:35 p.m.

Вопрос есть. Базы пользователей в SQLite. Там хранятся логины и пароли поьлзователей? Или просто какая-то общая информация с настройками под конкретного пользователя?

Ruslan Polupan
  • July 11, 2019, 1:47 p.m.

Пароль пользователя программы. Для отслеживания кто и когда сделал изменения и все. Пароли к базам хранятся самих базах и в зашифрованном виде. Ну и настройки системы хранятся там. а также логи действия и сформированные скрипты.

Evgenii Legotckoi
  • July 11, 2019, 1:50 p.m.

Понятно, а просто шифруете одни пароли, или сразу всю базу данных SQLite? Насколько знаю, есть плагин для шифрования SQLite базы данных.

Ruslan Polupan
  • July 11, 2019, 1:56 p.m.

Задумывался над этим, но в свете текщих задач в этом нет особой необходимости.


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