When you are developing a large project, it is possible to accidentally forget some parts of the code that need to be tested. Coverage.py is a python tool to help you with this.
Use pip or easy_install as you like
pip install coverage
Starting and uninstalling
To run in a Django project, use the command:
overage run --source='.' manage.py test the-app-you-want-to-test
This command will fill in ".coverage" which is located in COVERAGE_FILE and then you can see the results or report. If you need to delete the received data, use the command:
coverage erase
For one file
If you only want to test Python code, then you need to do:
coverage run your_program.py arg1 arg2 arg3
There are several additional options that you can look at
You can learn about templates
in the plugins section
View result
If you want to display results on the command line:
coverage report
For clearer and more convenient reports:
coverage html
To know exactly what part of your code is covered by tests, use the following command:
coverage annotate -d directory-where-to-put-annotated-files
The program will generate the same source code file with additional syntax:
- A line with ">" means that it has been executed.
- A line starting with "!" means that it was not executed.
- A line starting with "-" means that the line has been excluded from the coverage statistics.
Good level of coverage
Good coverage is usually 90%. However, if the result is 100%, this may be a bad signal, since it may be a matter of coverage, and not the quality of the tests.
A few tips:
- Be careful with the quality of your tests.
- Don't slow down your developer speeds for the sake of coverage.
- Use coverage to find unverified code and decide if it deserves coverage.
Exclude code
Sometimes we need to exclude some code that doesn't need coverage. There are several options:
- Specifying files to exclude and skip in .coveragerc.
- Writing in one line of the comment block.
# pragma: no cover
For example, if you want to exclude generated code from coverage because it must be supported by the generation tool:
def generated_code(): # pragma: no cover do_something()
More info at Coverage.py documentation.