Development diaries → IMpos project. Part 008. Editing the user guide
QTableWidgetItem, QAction, QTableWidget, QDialog
Dialog for editing the user directory
In the mainwindow.ui form, add the Users menu item to which the actionUsers object corresponds. Assign an icon and a hotkey to it.
Create a Qt Designer Form Class named UsersDialog.
In the MainWindow::on_actionUsers_triggered() …
Development diaries → IMpos project. Part 007. Displaying information about the connection and the current user. Menu creation. Application settings dialog.
trigger, QStatusBar, SQLite, QMenu, QAction
Storing information about the current user
After opening the main window of the application, I would like the status bar to display the name of the current user and information about connecting to the central database.
I also wanted to …
Projects based on Qt → Release of the Qt-Secret encryption library v1.2.0 with RSA8192 support
BIGInt, RSA, GMP, qt, encryption, AES, QuasarApp, Qt-Sekret, Library
After a month of development, a release has been prepared for the cross-platform encryption library Qt-Secret v1.2.0 simultaneously with the release of a library of integer calculations of a certain size QtBigInt . The original Qt-Secret text components are shipped …
ReadDevelopment diaries → IMpos project. Part 006. Connection to the central Fierbird base. Dialogue for setting up a connection to the central bank.
QDialog, FireBird, QSettings, QIBASE, Qt
CB connection settings dialog
We will store the connection settings using QSettings in a text file, i.e. using QSettings::IniFormat. In the DataBases class, add the bool connectCenralDB() method in which we implement the connection.
If the connection attempt is unsuccessful, …
Development diaries → IMpos project. Part 005. Reading application settings. Implementation of the user login dialog to the system.
Read application settings
Application settings are stored in the options table of the iMpos.opt SQLite database.
To get and set options values, we create the Options class and implement the corresponding methods in it.
Read#ifndef OPTIONS_H #define OPTIONS_H #include …
Development diaries → IMpos project. Part 004. Application language settings, QTranslator. Creating a login dialog to the system
QTtranslator, Dialog, QtDesigner, locale
Application language settings, QTranslator.
To correctly display controls in the locale language, as well as to support the multilingual interface, the application needs to specify which language file will be used.
To do this, add the following code to main.cpp: …
Qt → Example Using QLocalServer and QLocalSocket
The article describes the use of QLocalServer and QLocalSocket. The example is a reworking of code from Schlee's book Qt 5.3. Professional C++ Programming” dedicated to QTcpServer and QTcpSocket respectively. Despite the fact that the class names are similar and …
ReadAlgorithms → Breadth first search (BFS)
Travel means visiting all nodes of the graph. Breadth first traversal or Breadth first Search is a recursive algorithm for searching all vertices of a graph or tree data structure. In this article, you will see examples of the BFS …
ReadDevelopment diaries → Simple Tracker project. Part 2: project structure
Iscander Che, Simple Tracker, Qt, C++
The general structure is shown below.
I changed the name of the project. But in the titles of articles and tags, I will still leave "Simple tracker" so that there is no confusion.
The project consists of client and server …
ReadAlgorithms → Adjacency matrix
Алгоритм, матрица, Matrix, Graph
Adjacency Matrix is a way of representing a graph G = {V, E} as a Boolean matrix.
Representation of adjacency matrix
The size of the matrix is VxV, where V is the number of vertices in the graph, and the …
Read- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 6:14 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:84points,
- Rating points4
- Unknown akadamn
- Jan. 24, 2025, 5:22 p.m.
Qt - Test 001. Signals and slots
- Result:42points,
- Rating points-8