Source code for evileg_core.shortcuts

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[docs]def get_object_or_none(klass, *args, **kwargs): """ Use get() to return an object or None raise if the object does not exist. klass may be a Model, Manager, or QuerySet object. All other passed arguments and keyword arguments are used in the get() query. Like with QuerySet.get(), MultipleObjectsReturned is raised if more than one object is found. :param klass: Model, Manager, or QuerySet object :param args: arguments are used in the get() query :param kwargs: keyword arguments are used in the get() query :return: Object or None """ try: return klass._default_manager.get(*args, **kwargs) except klass.DoesNotExist: return None
[docs]def get_initials(user): """ Function for getting initials from user full name of username If user is non authenticated, then function return symbol "A" :param user: user object :return: initials """ def first(value): try: return value[0] except IndexError: return '' if user.is_authenticated: if user.get_full_name(): return '{}{}'.format(first(user.first_name), first(user.last_name)) return first(user.username) return 'A'