Template tags¶
Return the node rendered as a string.
Return the node rendered as a string.
Return the node rendered as a string.
Function for getting content type
- Parameters
obj – model object from which we want to get content type id
- Returns
Content Type Id
Generic template tag parser.
Returns a three-tuple: (tag_name, args, kwargs)
tag_name is a string, the name of the tag.
args is a list of FilterExpressions, from all the arguments that didn’t look like kwargs, in the order they occurred, including any that were mingled amongst kwargs.
kwargs is a dictionary mapping kwarg names to FilterExpressions, for all the arguments that looked like kwargs, including any that were mingled amongst args.
(At rendering time, a FilterExpression f can be evaluated by calling f.resolve(context).)
Google recaptcha template tag, which should be included in forms
- Parameters
classes – additional classes
- Returns
rendered template