Over the past few weeks, developers have been working on improving CMake support in Qt Creator, Qt Company would like to highlight some of the new features.
Fileapi support
The CMake project has announced a new IDE integration mechanism version 3.14 called fileapi . It provides about the same level of information as the previous recommended mechanism (server mode), but does not require the lengthy cmake process. This makes the new approach use fewer resources while being more robust to users running cmake on the command line.
"Fileapi" is now supported in Qt Creator (master branch).
CMake support in Locator
The developer allowed some time to run the assembly of CMake targets through the Locator. Just press
to focus the locator and then type cm <target> to collect that target.
In upstream, this got a little extension: cmo input
Opening targets via the context menu
The same information used by the cmo locator is used to populate the Open... menu in the target's context menu. This allows you to jump directly to the line corresponding to the target definition.
Note that this feature was available for one particular version of CMake with server mode support, but the required support in CMake has been removed and only returned in fileapi again.
Интересно, когда они впилят уже функционал который даст возможность создавать файлы для проекта и автоматом их добавлять в проектник. А то пока это руками делается это для многих не очень удобно.