Sometimes there is a need to perform certain actions by keys pressing in the TextField . Next, let's see how you can handle events that come from the keyboard.
First we create JTextField
JTextField textField = new JTextField();
place it on the panel or frame
Now you need to add a listener that will be called every time when you type data in TextField. We will use KeyListener interface from the java.awt.event.
The KeyListener interface has 3 methods:
- void keyPressed (KeyEvent e);
It is called when the user presses any key.
- void keyReleased (KeyEvent e);
It is called after the user presses and releases any key.
- void keyTyped (KeyEvent e);
It is activated every time the user type the Unicode characters.
You can add a listener interface in two ways:
1) implement this interface and all its methods;
numberOfRouteTextField.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) { ... ... ... } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) { ... ... ... } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) { ... ... ... } });
2) extend the abstract class of KeyAdapter , redefining only the necessary methods.
numberOfRouteTextField.addKeyListener(new NumberKeyListener()); class NumberKeyListener extends KeyAdapter { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { ... ... ... } }
Besides, we can make the event called when you press a particular key. Each character, number, letter and control keys on the keyboard have their own code (key code). Add a check in any of the overridden methods. For example, the body of the method will be executed after the user presses the Enter key only:
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) { if(event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER ) { // тело метода } }
Below is an example of a small implementation. What do I want to receive?
I have a TextField field is named numberOfRouteTextField. The user types the number of paths. Then, right after the number is entered, a table with the number of lines equal to the entered number appears.
import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Routes { private JTextField numberOfRouteTextField; private DefaultTableModel tableModel; private Frame frame; private ArrayList<String[]> dataOfTableAboutRoutes; public static void main(String args[]) { Routes routes = new Routes(); routes.CreateGui(); } private void CreateGui() { frame = new JFrame("Building a route table"); JLabel numberOfRoutesLabel; JPanel widgetPanel = new JPanel(); // create a panel where all the elements will be located GridBagLayout gblWidgetPanel = new GridBagLayout(); // define the layout manager GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); widgetPanel.setLayout(gblWidgetPanel); numberOfRoutesLabel = new JLabel("Number of routes:"); constraints.gridwidth = 1; // how many cells the object occupies constraints.gridy = 0; // which vertical cell counts gblWidgetPanel.setConstraints(numberOfRoutesLabel, constraints); widgetPanel.add(numberOfRoutesLabel); numberOfRouteTextField = new JTextField(10); constraints.gridy = 1; numberOfRouteTextField.addKeyListener(new NumberKeyListener()); // add the listener to the TextField gblWidgetPanel.setConstraints(numberOfRouteTextField, constraints); widgetPanel.add(numberOfRouteTextField); // place on the panel dataOfTableAboutRoutes = new ArrayList<>(); // here all the contents of the table will be stored tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(); JTable writingRoutesTable = new JTable(tableModel); constraints.gridy = 2; // how many cells does the table occupy gblWidgetPanel.setConstraints(writingRoutesTable, constraints); widgetPanel.add(writingRoutesTable); frame.add(BorderLayout.WEST,widgetPanel); frame.setSize(300, 300); frame.setVisible(true); } class NumberKeyListener extends KeyAdapter { // extend the abstract class of KeyAdapter public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) { // redefine necessary methods // This method will work after the user enters any character from the keyboard // it would be nice to do a check on the input data, so that it's only integers if (event.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) { // If the user pressed BackSpace with the desire to erase the contents, the body of the function will not be executed String[] columnNames = new String[]{"Route number", "Start", "Finish"}; // set table headers int numberOfRoutes = Integer.parseInt(numberOfRouteTextField.getText()); // get the number from TextField for (int i = 0; i < dataOfTableAboutRoutes.size(); i++) { tableModel.removeRow(0); // after removal, the elements are shifted, so each time we delete the first element } dataOfTableAboutRoutes.clear(); // clear the contents of the table for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfRoutes; i++) { String[] temp = {"route " + i, "",""}; dataOfTableAboutRoutes.add(temp); // enter the number of rows in the table equal to the given number } tableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(columnNames); // set the table headers for (String[] dataOfTable : dataOfTableAboutRoutes) { tableModel.addRow(dataOfTable); // put the contents of the ArrayList into the table } } } } }
You can see work of program on following images.