Currently fb2 is a popular format for storing books. The fb2 file is a special case of xml. The main element of its structure, as for html, is the tag (control words). In this article, I'll show you how to create a simple fb2 file viewer. The project with the source text can be downloaded from the link. .
General information
Tags are divided between block and lowercase. Block tags are grouped in pairs from the opening tag that closes the tag between which the content is located. For example, a paragraph of text is written as
<p>Paragraph text</p>
Inside such a block pair, you can put other tags. Lowercase tags are used for objects in which nothing can be embedded. For example, a pointer to a drawing
<image l:href = “#_0.jpg”/>
contains information: 1) that a drawing needs to be inserted at the given point of the document, 2) a link to this figure. The algorithm for inserting a picture into text is explained below. Distinguish 3 types of tags simply with the help of a slash. At the line tag the slash before the closing bracket, at the closing block after the opening, at the opening block it is absent.
If you want to fully understand, study html. There is some difference between html and fb2, although in many respects they are identical. I will indicate such elements in the course of the narrative. Also note that xml, unlike html, does not use the CSS language, in our case this means that there is no indication in the fb2 file of how the text is formatted (font size and color, paragraph layout, etc.). All this we must (if desired) to implement independently.
Structure of fb2-file
The first <?xml> tag contains technical information about the format, its version, and the encoding used. The second tag
(as in html).
In addition, you can find the epigraph
After the
<?xml …>
<FictionBook …>
). Links can be external and internal. External links as a parameter contain the source URL, internal links contain references to the elements in the text of the file (see the above image tag). Drawings contain similar internal references.
Creating a Reader Program
We will build our program in the following way: we will read the data from the file and convert it to html, then send the generated string to the text field using the setHtml (QString) function. One little lifhack for those who want to learn html: the QTextEdit / QTextBrowser class object can display the formatted document as source text. To do this, open the form editor, click on the object 2 times and switch to the "Source" tab.
To process fb2-files, we will use the QXmlStreamReader class. To work with it, you need to connect the xml and xmlpatterns modules to the project. As an argument, it must be passed a pointer to an object of class QFile.
QFile f(name); QXmlStreamReader sr(&f);
The opening of the file itself looks like a cycle with sequential reading of lines. We also need 3 variables
QString book; QString imgId; QString imgType;
book is needed to store the generated document, imgId and imgType for pasting pictures into text. The QXmlStreamReader class produces several important actions. First, it determines and installs the desired decoder. Second, it separates the tags from the content. Third, it highlights the properties of tags. We can only process the separated data. The readNext () function is used to read the data. All the fragments read to it belong to one of 5 types: StartDocument, EndDocument, StartElement, EndElement and Characters. Of these, 2 are the first to determine the beginning and end of the file, 2 are the next to read the tags and the last to receive the placeholder.
Having received StartDocument, we need to add the header line of the document html and 2 opening tags
book = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body style=\"font-size:14px\">";
When EndDocument is reached, we close the tags opened at the beginning of the file
The appearance of StartElement means that the opening or lowercase tag is read. Accordingly, EndElement signals the reading of the closing tag. The name of the tag is determined by calling the function (). ToString (). To control the structure of the document, we will store a list of all open tags in the thisToken object of the QStringList class. Therefore, in the case of StartElement, appends the name of the current tag to thisToken and deletes it in the case of EndElement. In addition, the opening (or lowercase) tags can contain attributes. The attribute will be read and stored in sr as an array of strings. You can access them using the sr.attributes () method. We need them to add pictures to the text. So, if a tag is found, you need to add a label to the picture in the text.
book.append("<p align=\"center\">"+sr.attributes().at(0).value().toString()+"</p>");
Then, if we find the
imgId = sr.attributes().at(0).value().toString(); imgType = sr.attributes().at(1).value().toString();
Note that imgId is identical to the
Now we can only put the contents in the string book. Here you can use a different set of rules. For example, ignore the description of a book
if(thisToken.contains("description")) { break; // не выводим }
or highlight the headings by color, font size and type. Let us dwell only on the pictures. To insert them, you need to form a string of type
QString image = "<img src=\"data:" + imgType +";base64," + sr.text().toString() + "\"/>";
where sr.text (). toString () contains the contents of the
book.replace("#"+imgId, image);
The algorithm for reading the fb2-file
while( !sr.atEnd() ) { switch( sr.readNext() ) { case QXmlStreamReader::NoToken: qDebug() << "QXmlStreamReader::NoToken"; break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument: book = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body style=\"font-size:14px\">"; break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument: book.append("</body></html>"); break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: thisToken.append( ); if( == "image" ) // расположение рисунков { if(sr.attributes().count() > 0) book.append("<p align=\"center\">"+sr.attributes().at(0).value().toString()+"</p>"); } if( == "binary") // хранилище рисунков { imgId = sr.attributes().at(0).value().toString(); imgType = sr.attributes().at(1).value().toString(); } break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: if( thisToken.last() == ) thisToken.removeLast(); else qDebug() << "error token"; break; case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: if( sr.text().toString().contains( QRegExp("[A-Z]|[a-z]|[А-Я]|[а-я]") )) // если есть текст в блоке { if(thisToken.contains("description")) // ОПИСАНИЕ КНИГИ { break; // не выводим } if(thisToken.contains("div")) break; if(!thisToken.contains( "binary" )) book.append("<p>" + sr.text().toString() + "</p>"); } if(thisToken.contains( "binary" ) )//для рисунков { QString image = "<img src=\"data:" + imgType +";base64," + sr.text().toString() + "\"/>"; book.replace("#"+imgId, image); } break; } }
Our document is ready. It remains only to set the generated string in the text box
For the full work of the fb2-reader, you need to add processing links, tables and some other objects. But the above material is sufficient to extract the main contents of the book.