ironexmaiden24 серпня 2017 р. 17:05
QTableView connected with QSqlTableModel flickers (scrolls to the bottom and returns)
qt, qsql, QSqlDataBase, QSqlTableModel, QTableView
Hello guys I have a problem using table view. I have a
tableview connected with a QSqlTableModel. On its 2nd column I want to
have check state to control the row's Status (active/inactive) but when I
try to push the check box QTableView scrolls to the bottom and returns
to it's previous position. Is there any solution?
bool ProjectsModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if(index.column() == STATUS_INDEX) { QSqlRecord rec = this->record(index.row()); QString qrstr; qrstr = (rec.field(index.column()).value().toInt() == 1) ? "update " + tableName() + " set Status=0 where BRACE_ID=" : "update " + tableName() + " set Status=1 where BRACE_ID="; qrstr += QString().setNum(index.row()+1); braceDatabase->exec(qrstr.toUtf8().constData()); return true; } return false; } void DataBase::updateTablesSlot() { if(projectsModel) projectsModel->select(); if(attributesModel) attributesModel->select(); if(targetsModel) targetsModel->select(); } void DataBase::exec(const std::string &querystr) { QSqlQuery qr(db); qr.exec(querystr.c_str()); //qDebug() <<"Command :" << querystr.c_str() << "-> "<< query->lastError().text(); updateTables(); }
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I think you need to use QItemDelegate for this (or same claas which was inherited from this class). Or You can use QTableWidget.
You can research article with checkboxes in QTableWidget .
May be it will be usefull for You.
And may be you need use for scroll method scrollTo()
Hello my friend and thank you for the help unfortunately I can't use QTableWidget for performance reasons, I must load big databases from csv files. If I try the second solution with the scroll It will have a disturbing effect the table will hop up and down every time the user presses the check state.
Greeting from Thessaloniki, Greece
Ok. May be You need to use custom ItemDelegate for this.
And set delegate
Best Regards from Prague.
I changed my code to this one but the check state on click didn't change :(
I am not sure, but problem of this solution may be in Qt::Checked and Qt::Unchecked.
Because this enum has 3 states
That's the point I want the status of the row to be Active/Inactive PartiallyChecked option is useless for me. Do you refer that I had an error on this line ?
I am not sure, but may be you can try to check the following code in this row:
Hmm you may be right I will check it EVILEG and I will report later thank you