Andrei Yankovich
Шілде 21, 2019, 12:36 Т.Ж.

Qt-Secret v1.2.0 шифрлау кітапханасы RSA8192 қолдауымен шығарылды


Qt-Secret logo

After a month of development, a release has been prepared for the cross-platform encryption library Qt-Secret v1.2.0 simultaneously with the release of a library of integer calculations of a certain size QtBigInt . The original Qt-Secret text components are shipped under the LGPLv3 license and are freely available on GitHub .

Major innovations:

  • Added support for large RSA keys (rsa256 - rsa8192)

    RSA encryption strength in density up to 1024 bit keys is considered low, therefore, in this release, QtBigInt library was written, which is a simple class for working with an unlimited number of numbers.

    QtBigInt is based on one of the fastest libraries for working with these calculations GMP , which gives tangible results in comparison with similar libraries that are based on building and bitmaps.

    QtBigInt is linked statically, that there are no additional dependencies in Qt-Secret.

  • Added option block coding / display size (auto and oneByte)

    In the previous version, automatic selection of the message block size relative to the key module was used. However, during the operation of the library, it was found that under certain conditions problems may arise. The solution was the use of a block in the size of the 1st byte, which guarantees the integrity of the information, but leads to a loss of performance.

  • Improved performance

    Thanks to the use of QtBigInt, the speed of key generation has received a significant increase.

  • Fixed a bug in the message checking function.

    Now you can use a block size of 1 byte.

  • Added support for msvc compilers.

    You can read in this article or on the official Qt-Secret page.

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