Михаил Сермяжко
Михаил СермяжкоҚыр. 21, 2019, 11:43 Т.Ж.

Как в QML прокручивать ListView из кода

Добрый день.
Как в QML прокручивать ListView из кода?

Рекомендуем хостинг TIMEWEB
Рекомендуем хостинг TIMEWEB
Стабильный хостинг, на котором располагается социальная сеть EVILEG. Для проектов на Django рекомендуем VDS хостинг.

Ол саған ұнайды ма? Әлеуметтік желілерде бөлісіңіз!

Михаил Сермяжко
  • Қыр. 21, 2019, 12:51 Т.Қ.
  • Жауап шешім ретінде белгіленді.

Так работает

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0

Window {
    id: demo
    width: 800
    height: 600
    visible: true
    color: "#ff303030"

    property color accentColor: "#ff00b374"

    Rectangle {
        width: parent.width/2-32
        height: parent.height-32
        x: 16
        y: 16

        color: accentColor
        clip: true
        ListView {
            id: listView
            width: parent.width
            height: parent.height

            // When scroll end align to the nearest item
            snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
            // Clip painting to his own bounding rectangle to avoid display
            // data outside specified size during flick
            clip: true
            model: 100

            // Increase Flick speed
            maximumFlickVelocity: 10000

            ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
                id: verticalScrollBar
                active: pressed || listView.moving || listUp.pressed || listDown.pressed
                orientation: Qt.Vertical
                opacity: active ? 1:0
                Behavior on opacity {NumberAnimation {duration: 500}}

                contentItem: Rectangle {
                    implicitWidth: 4
                    implicitHeight: parent.height
                    color: accentColor

            delegate: Rectangle {
                id: lineRectangle
                height: 32
                width: listView.width

                // Change color based on index number for better readability
                color: (index & 1)? "#ffefefef" : "#ffffffff"

                Text {
                    id: textField
                    height: parent.height
                    width: parent.width
                    color: listView.currentIndex === index? accentColor:"#ff000000"
                    font.pixelSize: 16
                    horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter
                    text: "Element " + (index+1)

    // Up Button to move list up
    Rectangle {
        id: upButton

        height: 256
        width: height//parent.width
        radius: height/2

        x: parent.width*3/4-width/2
        y: parent.height*1/4-height/2

        color: "#ffffffff"

        Text {
            text: "Up"
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            color: listUp.pressed? demo.accentColor: "#ff000000"
            font.pixelSize: 64

        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            id: listUp

            SmoothedAnimation {
                target: listView
                property: "contentY"
                running: listUp.pressed
                velocity: 1000
                to: 0
            onReleased: {
                if (!listView.atYBeginning)
                    listView.flick(0, 1000)

    // Down Button to move list down
    Rectangle {
        id: downButton
        height: upButton.height
        width: upButton.width
        radius: upButton.radius
        color: upButton.color

        x: parent.width*3/4-width/2
        y: parent.height*3/4-height/2

        Text {
            text: "Down"
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            color: listDown.pressed? demo.accentColor: "#ff000000"
            font.pixelSize: 64

        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            id: listDown

            SmoothedAnimation {
                target: listView
                property: "contentY"
                running: listDown.pressed
                to: listView.contentHeight - listView.height
                velocity: 1000
            onReleased: {
                if (!listView.atYEnd)
                    listView.flick(0, -1000)


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