nafab2230. April 2019 13:47

Architecture Model / View

Hello everyone
I am new here so please forgive my language differences.
I am working on a learner note management software. I created a database in my software but I am stuck at the level of the information view of the database.
Here is the code


#ifndef FENCENE_H
#define FENCENE_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QtSql/QSqlTableModel>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include "logindb.h"

namespace Ui {
class FenCene;

class FenCene : public QWidget

    explicit FenCene(QWidget *parent = nullptr, LoginDB *login = nullptr);

    Ui::FenCene *ui;
//    QSqlDatabase *db; //for my database.
    LoginDB *login;
//    QSqlTableModel *model; //join table and database
    QSqlQueryModel *model; //My problem is that I want to display some information from the SQLITE Database in view # 1.

public slots:
    void newfiledb(); // Connected to NouveauDialog in FenPrincipale.cpp

#endif // FENCENE_H


#include "fencene.h"
#include "ui_fencene.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSqlRelationalTableModel>

FenCene::FenCene(QWidget *parent, LoginDB *loginDB) :
    ui(new Ui::FenCene),

    delete ui;

void FenCene::newfiledb()
    /*QString path = QDir::homePath() + "/CEN.db";*/ // Home-Directory of User + Name of Database File
    // We maybe can create a subfolder in HomeDir and put .db file there later.

    //    qDebug() << path; // Output in Console to check Path to DB-File

        QSqlQuery query(login->db);
        query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Student "
                   "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
                   "name VARCHAR(30), "
                   "prename VARCHAR(50), "
                   "sex VARCHAR(1), "
                   "classID INTEGER, "
                   "FOREIGN KEY(classID) REFERENCES Class)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Student VALUES(NULL, 'Name0', 'Prenom0', 'M', 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Student VALUES(NULL, 'Name1', 'Prenom1', 'F', 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Student VALUES(NULL, 'Name2', 'Prenom2', 'M', 0)");

        query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Class "         //The list of classes is in Qnouveaudialogue.ui
                   "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "                    //The name of a class is: choice (combox2) + choice (combox4) + choice (combox5).
                   "name VARCHAR(20), "          //Example: 6èmeMC1.
                   "classteacher INTEGER, "
                   "FOREIGN KEY(classteacher) REFERENCES Teacher)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Class VALUES(NULL, '6èmeMC1', 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Class VALUES(NULL, '6èmeMC1', 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Class VALUES(NULL, '6èmeMC1', 1)");

        query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Teacher"   //I suggested that the teacher's name not be in the database.
                   "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "    //It's useless but I respect your instructions in the code so I put it in it.
                   "name VARCHAR(30), "
                   "prename VARCHAR(50), "
                   "sex VARCHAR(1))");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO teacher VALUES(NULL, 'NomTeacher0', 'PrenomTeacher0', 'M')");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO teacher VALUES(NULL, 'NomTeacher1', 'PrenomTeacher1', 'M')");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO teacher VALUES(NULL, 'NomTeacher2', 'PrenomTeacher2', 'M')");

        query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Course" //(0 for Science, 1 for Litterature, 2 for Autres)
                   "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
                   "name VARCHAR(30), "
                   "groupID INTEGER, "
                   "teacherID INTEGER, "
                   "FOREIGN KEY(groupID) REFERENCES CourseGroup, "
                   "FOREIGN KEY(teacherID) REFERENCES Teacher)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'CommunicationEcrite', 0, 0)"); //The list of course are in the Qnouveaudialogue
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Lecture', 1, 0)");              //This is the combox 2
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Anglais', 1, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Espagnol', 1, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Allemand', 1, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Arabe', 1, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Histoiregeographie', 1, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Philosophie', 1, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Mathematiques', 0, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'PCT', 0, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'SVT', 0, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'EPS', 2, 0)");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Course VALUES(NULL, 'Conduite', 1, 0)");

        query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Coursegroup"
                   "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
                   "name VARCHAR(20))");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Coursegroup VALUES(NULL, 'Science')");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Coursegroup VALUES(NULL, 'Littérature')");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Coursegroup VALUES(NULL, 'Autres')");

        query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Grade"   // What do I have to put in this table? // This is the table which stores the students' grades
                   "(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "          // Its connected to student (by the student ID) and the course (by the courseID)
                   "studentID INTEGER, "
                   "courseID INTEGER, "
                   "gradeName VARCHAR(10), "          // the "Name" of the grade is for "Notei1-5" and "Noted1-2", so you can save, which grade it is
                   "grade INTEGER, "                       // the grade value
                   "comment VARCHAR(100), "
                   "FOREIGN KEY(studentID) REFERENCES Student, "
                   "FOREIGN KEY(courseID) REFERENCES Course)");                 // additional / optional comment from teacher on this grade / note
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Grade VALUES(NULL, 0, 3, 'Test', 2, 'Comment')");  // ID N°3 FOR Espagnol
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Grade VALUES(NULL, 0, 3, 'Test2', 3, 'Comment')");
        query.exec("INSERT INTO Grade VALUES(NULL, 0, 3, 'Test3', 4, 'Comment5')");

        //// We need SQL_RelationalTableModel later to display data correctly (JOIN Tables)
        ////    QSqlRelationalTableModel *model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);

        model = new QSqlQueryModel(this);
        query.exec("SELECT * FROM Student");

    // Next I will change this function here. At the moment it still creates new tables every time and inserts our test data.

    // dont need to close in every function. DB can be connected until we dont want to view / select / delete or insert data
//    login->conClose();

Here is the image of the view I want to display.
The view

I specify that the columns "Moy Interro", "Moy Sem", "Moy Coef", "Mention" will be empty and are not stcoké in the database.
Thanks for your help.

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Evgenii Legotckoi
  • 1. Mai 2019 04:48


It is a little bit difficult table. I can try to advice direction in this case.

Did you see this example https://evileg.com/en/post/67/

And can you show result of this code?

model = new QSqlQueryModel(this);
query.exec("SELECT * FROM Student");

I mean picture.

    • 2. Mai 2019 06:52

    Hello Евгений Легоцкой
    Thank you for your reply.
    I would like to understand. So I have to create the tableview in Qt designer? And after the connected to the database?

    I will study the example that you have proposed tonight.
    Thanks again...

      Evgenii Legotckoi
      • 9. Mai 2019 03:29

      Yes, You can to create TableView in Qt Designer. Just find Table View object and add it to form. But you should add model to table view in c++ code.

      And yes, you can add table view and models after database connection.


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